“Communication is the basis of a quality educational process. Alliances must be built based on criteria that keep the student at the centre, and the main focus of their training. However, it is necessary that this process is carried out in a unified way among all related agents.”



Huelva, Analuzija, Španjolska

U organizaciji našeg Španjolskog partnera Inercie digital članice našeg Upravnog vijeća Ana Mencl i Viktorija Viduka boraviti će od 21.05.2022 do 27.05.2022 u španjolskom gradu Huelvi te će prisustvovati seminaru pod nazivom Facing future challanges in education in the digital age, na kojem će naučiti kao razvijati i implementirati nove metode u poučavanje i kako upotrebljavati alate u svakodnevnom poslu.